Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm so happy that it's summer.  I love the relaxing feeling of walking in the morning and then doing things that I choose to do leisurely.

One of my new friends called me yesterday because she was worried about me.  I called back today to assure her that I was fine.  I would be on guard this summer, but I would enjoy it.

Yesterday, I had my private yoga class and discovered that on Friday there are 2 yoga classes that I can attend that I have never been to before!!!!  I'm going.

It rained yesterday and I met up with 2 other friends who walk the mall.

My Financial Planner visited last night as I need to change my stock portfolio.

Tonight, I'm going out to dinner and then to a Book Discussion.

I have a full life and I'm grateful to the Almighty for it!!!

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