Saturday, October 7, 2017


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful Sukkot holiday and the Sabbath to come.

I truly enjoyed services.   They were very spiritual.  I enjoyed the luncheon sponsored by the Conn's and the Wolk's in the Wolk's Sukkah.   I enjoyed kiddish in the PJC sukkah.

Today is the Sukkah Hop after services.  That also is a great deal of fun.

It has been a very joyous holiday. 

He of course did not participate in any of this which made it even more enjoyable.  He chose instead to be silent or to try and begin arguments when I returned.  He has a terrible jealous nature.  As he said a long time ago: "I'm not happy.  You're happy.  I ant you to be as miserable as me."  That is definitely not happening but he certainly is limiting his life and destroying whatever is left of ours.

Thank you Almighty for my wonderful Sukkot and Shabbat to come.

I am grateful.

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