Sunday, September 9, 2018


I am grateful to you, Almighty because you have been in my life since I was born, helping me, comforting me and giving me all the joys of my life.

I graduated from Queens College and continued on to receive many advance degrees there because of you.  I have had a remarkable career.  I have two daughters that love me.  I have a remarkable little grandson too.  I have owned homes, condos and co-ops in my life.

I am seventy now and have been blessed with good health.

I know that you Almighty have granted me all of these blessings.

Tonight begins the High Holiday Season.  Rosh Hashanah begins tonight. 

I am praying for good health and happiness for myself and my family.

Please Almighty may it be so.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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