Saturday, March 28, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty for my healthy life.

Today is the Sabbath.  My abuser is gone and I can breathe.

Living through the Coronavirus is horrific.  Yet I am at peace because no one is alive to abuse me. There are no strategies for survival.  There is no psychological abuse.   It's just me and Matzah.  The house is my home.  I don't have to escape from it.

I walk with friends.  I chat with neighbors.  My family is on FaceTime with me.  I read.  I watch television.  I talk to friends on the phone.

It's quiet.

It's peaceful.

In the middle of a Pandemic I'm safe.  That's how bad it was and how good it is now.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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