Monday, February 5, 2024


 I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to find joy in my life.

I described Saturday night in my last blog.

Sunday morning I went to a Sisterhood PJC Book Club for Looking for Jane.  I was supposed to facilitate it BUT because it was Sunday I thought that I would be with Charles at our apartment.

We had the concert the night before so that didn't happen. Rhonnie facilitated it and I attended.

We drove out to St. James and Charles and I shared a wonderful afternoon.  In the evening he made dinner and we caught up on True De

tective and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Today we facilitated The Sports Book Club.  We read Sonny and I must say that together we did a wonderful job.

Tonight I'm having dinner with Rhonnie, Barbara and Debbie and playing MahJong.

Thank you Almighty for all that you have done for me.

I am grateful.

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