Monday, February 12, 2024


 I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful weekend that I had with Charles.

I left for the apartment Saturday afternoon after services. It was the Men's Club and Sisterhood Sabbath.

We had a wonderful time together......Saturday we took a walk..... . We went to Avalon and Matzah was so delighted to see real ducks because he had never seen them....that he fell in the water and Charles had to reuse him. Later we went out for French food for dinner.  It was a beautiful restaurant.  We had been there years ago when we first met.

Sunday was The Super Bowl BUT even though we lost it was a wonderful evening.  We got our food at Buena Sera and everything was delicious.  We went to The Long Island Museum and saw an art exhibit about Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollack.  We then explored the rest of the museum and the grounds.

Today we went to Macy's so Charles could purchase a Valentine's gift for me and then we went to Uncle Giuseppe so I could buy groceries because we are getting a snow storm tomorrow.  We walked at Sunken Meadow and I saw a deer and took his picture.

I'm making dinner for myself tonight as I saw no need to go out to dinner with the girls.

I'm playing MahJong and speaking to Charles when they leave.

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful.

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