Monday, April 3, 2017


I am grateful to the Almighty for the abundance that is in my life. 

My intention is to create a new story and to take parts of the old story with me.  I will begin to enjoy the abundance of my life.

I began this weekend.  I was assertive with myself.  I vowed to enjoy the abundance of the Passover holiday.  I vowed to myself that I would live in the moment.  I would enjoy the moment.

It worked.

I smiled.

I left in the past all the things that I tried to do to create a family that loved and respected each other and observed their religion. I concentrated on my love for the Almighty and my love for the Passover holiday.  The Gita says that we all have a job to do and we have to compete it using the best of our abilities.  We are not responsible for outcomes or results.

It worked.

Thank you Almighty for the abundance in my life and for allowing me to enjoy it.

I am grateful.

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