Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 I am beyond grateful to the Almighty for all the calmness in my life.

When I wake up I remind myself that there are no strategies for survival that I have to put in place. I can just's truly a wonderful feeling and I am grateful to the Almighty for it.  Yesterday was a beautiful day and I was able to walk for over 2 hours.  Today the weather is inclement and I don't have to rush out to The Home Depot if I choose not to.  My home is mine and it is safe.

My new sofa bed came yesterday as I am redecorating the den.  The black table will be placed in front of it. I'm putting sod floors in the den, living room and dining room.  Freddy will be here at 9:30.

Charles is sleeping over tonight to make the trip to Fandoule shorter. It's in New Jersey and he places bets there.  We are going to practice yoga and I have invited him to my Buddhist group tonight.  We had our first date on August 11 and have known each other three months!!

Thank you Almighty for placing calmness in my life.

I am grateful.

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