Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned to live in the moment and every time that I am in the past or future,  I pull myself back.

Yesterday was a busy day.  I went to the post office to mail bills.  I went to ShopRite and Trader Joe's too. I had a delicious tuna dinner made the way Charles does it.  I read my book.

Today Matzah is going for his shot and his bath and I'M DRIVING TO ST. JAMES TO SPEND THE AFTERNOON WITH CHARLES!!!!!

I actually received  COVID VACCINE appointments for both February and March  but the printer won't print it out.  Freddy will be here tomorrow to help.

More later...............

I dropped Matzah off for his bath and shot and drove to St. James and met with Charles. I hadn't been in his apartment since my birthday!  Lots of work is going on.  Tomorrow he is getting new windows.  We went on a beautiful drive through Nessaquogue and the North Fork We saw wild turkeys and took pictures. We made out in his vehicle. He took me to lunch at a Persian restaurant.  It was wonderful.  

I texted Charles to say that I returned safely with Matzah after putting gas in the truck.

We will speak tonight.

I truly love this man!!!!

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