Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty for the new and wonderful life that He has given to me.

I spent the weekend with Charlie.  I arrived home today.  I was there from Friday night to Tuesday morning.

What a wonderful time we had!  Dinner from Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace......delicious!!!

Hilary, Izzy and Remi visited on Saturday and what a wonderful day we had at Long Beach.

A concert at All Soul's Church followed.

Sunday was another beach day followed by The Eagles Concert at Long Beach and dinner at Rakki Ramen.

Yesterday we shopped for our family vacation in Delaware and we exchanged keys as an anniversary gift......we will be together 2 years on August 11.

This morning was the prayer service and we had a lovely breakfast with friends.

Thank you Almighty for my new and wonderful life.

i am grateful.

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