Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 I am grateful to the Almighty because this morning in one of my Meditation books, I read about putting your burdens down.

The question then became....why am I carrying these burdens with me?  It's rather Pavlovian that I do this because from earliest times....since I was a child....I have been abused and it's time to lay down that burden which is what I'm now working on by using the breathe to Let Go of That Which Doesn't Serve Me!!!

Yesterday was quite a good day.  I mailed Valentine's Day Cards to my grandkids.   I picked up Matzah's new medication and then walked at The Home Depot.

Charles came over and I made Mahi Mahi for dinner.  It was delicious.   I went to a Sisterhood Meeting too.

Charles left this morning and will be back Saturday afternoon.

Today I cleaned....straightened up too!!!   

I have a periodontal appointment and then hope to walk at The Walt Whitman Mall.

I plan to start my new book and I got my pensions.

Life is good thanks to the Almighty and I intend to make it better by letting go of my burdens.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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