Thursday, July 12, 2012


My schedule is a summer schedule and I am so grateful to the Almighty for this.  Yesterday at work, co-workers told me how relaxed I looked and I feel it.  The "new me" is wonderful.

Today, I went to the early prayer service.  With a new walking route, I walked 2 hours and 20 minutes, a new record for me.  I purchased coffee at DD and read my 2 newspapers at breakfast.

Now, I'm on computer.  I have an implant appointment a 2PM.  Originally, I was going to a comedy club, however, the passive-aggressive one, in the future, known as PA decided against it. That's his way of trying to be frustrating.  Sadly, he didn't succeed because I answered him in my work voice and he got nowhere.

I might do a mani/pedi today!!!!

I am proud of the "new me" and grateful to the Almighty for it.

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