Sunday, June 5, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has made me an organized and structured woman.

Yesterday the older one used him as an UBER taxi to go to a friend's 40th birthday party in Plainview.  Tomorrow are his annual scans.  This gave him the opportunity to try and upset me.

Wrong!!!!   I have a wonderful plan.  I'm doing all sorts of things that need to get done.  I managed to walk for 2 hours before the terrible rain that was predicted.  I practiced yoga.  I went to Weight Watchers and had my weight stay the same as last month.  I hit the bank and Harmon's.  I texted friends.  I need to clean a closet.

It's not that I don't wish him well.  I just want him off my back and I think that I succeeded.

I'm very proud of me.

Thank you Almighty for making me organized and structured.

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