Thursday, April 23, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty because He is helping me to learn who I really am.

I never really thought about this because I was always trying to come up with strategies to keep myself safe.  As a child I took care of myself.  No one encouraged me to do or be anything and so the goals that I had were put in place solely by me.  I wanted to achieve.  I wanted to be somebody.  No one ever complimented me.  I had no time to think about who I was because everything that I was was demeaned.   Everything that I did was demeaned.

When I married the creature I still had to keep myself safe and secure from his daily tirades to satiate his psychopathic nature.  I was raising children.  I worked.  I did many things to keep him away both physically and emotionally from me.  

There was no time to think about who I am.

However Covid 19 has changed this.  I have the time to delve and think and understand the person that I am.

I really like myself.   Everything that I do gave me joy. Everything that I did in life gave me joy.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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