Friday, August 19, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I have FINALLY learned to live in the moment and have learned that my destiny is THIS MOMENT.

This was an interesting week.  I went to Kenny Kurtz, my dentist and received my permanent cap.

i fell and really bruised my big toe on the right foot because of too much alcohol.  It was a stage of life that I never lived because I had to be safe, secure and plan strategies for survival.  I vowed to eat healthy and to walk and I'm finally loosing the weight that I gained.I've been walking this week because yoga would have been too much for my toe.

Charlie and I played BINGO with Sisterhood and we won 4 prizes......3 were from Trader Joe's and one was from Panera Bread.

Charlie is coming to spend the weekend.  We have plans to go to a YANKEE GAME and to BOBBY LOVES BOBBY.

Thank you Almighty for helping me to live in the moment.

I am grateful.

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