Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 I am grateful to the Almighty for all the changes in my life.

Life cannot always remain the same. That would be very boring.  I have experienced so many hurtful changes in my life that I have grown to fear change.  My life was not a balanced one. It was a life of abuse.

Since meeting Charles I have experienced many changes in my life and all of them have been good ones.  As a result I have grown to accept change in my life.   It feels as if my life is going backwards so that I can experience the joys of change.  

First we fell in love.....then we got we are putting together our apartment.  Charles is proud of me and accepts my ideas.   I am decorating the apartment.   Wow!  As a result I'm proud of me because I have his love and he's proud of me.  I'm putting myself first.

Thank you Almighty for the changes in my life.

I am grateful.

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