Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 I am grateful to the Almighty because He is allowing me to experience the joys of life.

I went to see our new apartment yesterday.  Although Mario, the guy who was to put our furniture together didn't show up......we had a wonderful afternoon and evening filled with sincere talking, laughing and hugging. We went to Blydenburgh Park so I could preform the Tashlich service of throwing my sins in the water.  Later we went out for Vietnamese food in a new restaurant.  Charles and Hilary have been texting about Remi's progress in sports....especially basketball and baseball.  I'm so happy.

Charles will be sleeping over tonight as he leaves for his 50th Reunion at Gannon University in Erie Pennsylvania.

Today Dan is coming to fertilize my beautiful flowers and check out the desk I'm giving to Charlie.

Matzah is going to the vet today to check on his skin problem.

Life is wonderful and I'm so grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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