Monday, November 23, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for my wonderful new life.  I am also grateful to the Almighty for the new realizations that I have had because of yoga and Him.

I cannot control everything around me.  I really need to continue to work on understanding that I cannot change others instead of beating myself up for what other people are doing.  I did the best that I could with those girls and I am not responsible for what they have become.

I'm working on moving on...........................

Yesterday's film, BROOKLYN, was very good.

Today I will walk, practice yoga and try to get to the mall too.  I want to get to LULULEMON and use the rest of my gift certificate.  (UPDATE:   At yoga today I learned how to fake it and how to see things using a different perspective.  You know that I will use this on Thanksgiving Day.)

Tonight is Rabbi Jay and Jenn's class.  Big fun!!!

Thank you Almighty for these realizations.

I am grateful.

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