Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned how to live in the moment.

It is true that I sometimes think of the past however,  I try to let is go as a cloud.  Thinking about the past will lead to depression, anger, sadness and ill health.

I had an example of that yesterday.  It was the anniversary of my mother's passing and I was to attend services last night.  I decided as a teachable moment to text the girls so that they were aware of Jewish customs.   The younger one texted back that she thought of my mother as a witch because she had long black hair that she dyed.  She commented that my mother made her clean up.  Nothing was positive and everything was a lie.  BUT, it started me thinking about the past. My life was changed terribly because I had them.  I AM SO GLAD THAT I RARELY  SEE HER !!!

She brought back memories of herself that are better off forgotten.

Today I will walk outside and practice yoga.  I have an Afternoon Book Club to attend as well as yet another dental appointment.

I'm glad that yesterday is gone and here I am in the moment.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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