Friday, May 1, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty for the life that He has given me.

This morning I listened to Andrew Cuomo's daily briefing as I do every morning while I eat breakfast.   I sleep later too as I have told you because I am safe.  The Governor spoke of people having mental issues because of the quarantine because of the coronavirus issues.

I feel safe and secure during this entire crisis because this is the way that I lived while the creatures walked the earth.  There were always strategies for survival.  I never felt safe in my home.  There was always anxiety.  I could never stay in the house because I was a plaything and the creatures needed to be satiated.  I always felt that I was a light sleeper and I'm not. BUT, I was alert even while sleeping so I didn't sleep much.

What a joy it is to be home now!!!!   It's a vacation!!  I had all that construction done last year by Freddy and now I can just BE and appreciate it.

Last night with great joy I ordered dinner in from Pasteria.  It was Thursday and that's how I decided to treat myself. I even had a hot fudge sundae for dessert!!

Today I will do some shopping at Fairway.

Tonight it will be Shabbos and as I am every day, I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

Thank you!!!!

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