Saturday, May 2, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new self.

This morning I read as I usually do, THE BOOK OF AWAKENING.  Each day there is a philosophic section as well as a meditation.  This morning the selection dealt with shedding your old self willingly in order to begin your new self.  This resonated with me today!  I have spent many hours being retrospective and trying to understand what happened to me.  I've done that and it's now time to embrace my new life and move passed the old.

Today is the Sabbath.  It's a beautiful day.  I said my prayers.

I will read, walk and just breathe.  

I turned the heat off and opened the bedroom windows.

I hope it stays like this.

Thank you Almighty for giving me the strength and good health to move into another phase of my life.

I am grateful.

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