Saturday, September 4, 2021


 I am grateful that the Almighty encouraged me to practice yoga yesterday because the discussion during class was about change and transition.

I have been feeling a bit out of sorts because Summer is rapidly coming an end. This weekend is LABOR DAY WEEKEND.  The summer has been wonderful but still.....

Leslie put it in perspective by explaining that if we take a leap of faith  like HANUMAN did we can begin to see the joy in transition and beautiful changes on the other side.

This is so true because it was last LABOR DAY WEEKEND that Charles slept over and well........the rest is history.

Charles will again be spending the weekend with me.

I am going to services BUT will leave the door unlocked and unalarmed so he can enter.

Yes....there is change and transition BUT there can be beauty on the other side if you just take a leap of faith.

Thank you Almighty for this.

I am grateful.

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