Thursday, March 10, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty because He has given me a new life and I am really enjoying it.

My brother Stephen came back into my life and that has changed a few things for me.  It's all about him........he brings back memories that I don't need to have and as such I'm going to begin to distance from him.  It's not my girls that are the problem this time.  I know who they are BUT if I am to avoid any emotional issues, then I must practice self-care and that starts with distancing myself from him.

The weather has been horrible!   The Sports Book Club fell apart for me as I couldn't get on. However last night I attended mt first GREAT DECISIONS class on Zoom and we discussed The War in Ukraine.  The next class is March 23.

Today I will speak to Judith and go food shopping.

Thank you Almighty for these insights into my life.

I am grateful.

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