Thursday, September 15, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga in Hollie's class yesterday and she spoke of each of us having the power to make changes in our lives.

I heard that loud and clear.........slowly I am removing my brother from my life as well as Dana. These two people are not healthy to have in my life and it's time to remove them.

What a busy day yesterday was.  After practicing yoga.....I mailed bills........I got a flu shot.....I finished the food shopping at ShopRite.  I went to get a nail fixed.  I signed a contract with Perillo....I set up an appointment for the next Covid booster.......I walked....I made dinner and I read my book.

No wonder I'm exhausted today.

Thank you Almighty for the things that you are teaching me.

I am grateful.

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