Wednesday, February 1, 2023


I am grateful to the Almighty because even though I had a setback, I have learned to take care of me.

Dana and Madalyn came to stay from Saturday afternoon to all day Sunday.  Dana napped and I took care of Madalyn all day.......not a stitch of help from Dana!!!!  I even took them to Mario's for dinner.  She called me Monday to ask me if she and Madalyn could move in temporarily and I said that it wouldn't work as the commute to Brooklyn and back she told me was horrendous.  At this point she cursed me and wished me death.

I'm still recovering from PTSD and this took a toll on me.

I vowed to take a break from her as she is a BPD and this could endanger my life.

Thank you Almighty for helping me realize this.

I am grateful.

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