Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 I am grateful to the Almighty for this new day.

I am happy and healthy and open to all possibilities.

Yesterday Dan, Charles and I went to Hicks Nursery to buy cabbages for my Fall garden.

Charles drove there and drove back to me with the cabbages.  What a guy!!!  We had lunch together and made a list of groceries for this weekends trip to Northampton where we will meet up with Sarah, Michael, Matt and Lola.......another children's weekend!

I cleaned out the final closet and am ready to move on to new clothes.  I also started to bring my summer clothes to the cleaner to be stored.

Today is a quieter day.   I will pay some bills and go to The Home Depot to shop and walk.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this new day.

Thank you!

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