Monday, August 20, 2012


I thought about this for a very long time.  After how little those girls did for me after the horrible thing he did to me, why was I inviting them for Jewish holidays that I observe and they don't???

The older one decided to go to her boyfriend for Rosh Hashana.  That meant that she would come to us for Yom Kippur.  Why???  So I talked to him about this in a little quiet voice.  There would be no one coming to us since he did that horrific thing to my friends.  She would be all alone.  Breakfast would consist of a bagel for her.  What a waste of time.  He agreed and cancelled her.

The other one is a thief.  Everything of value has to be locked in my truck.  Why bother?  He never like her too much anyway.  He agreed to cancel her too!!!!

I'm free to pray to Gd on my own!!!!

I am grateful that you Almighty put this idea in my head and allowed me to speak up.

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