Friday, August 3, 2012


It's been a few days and I can finally write about what he did to me.  I am grateful that the Almighty has given me the strength to get through this.

He banters and refuses to accept consequences for things that he has done.   Last year, as we know, he sent Roto-Rooter and Mario's to my friends house but, he forgot to BLOCK the phone number.  It was obvious what he did.

The consequence was that I built my own life and don't tell him about my friends.

This does not sit well with him and he banters continually.  One has to be strong. On Tuesday, July 31, he bantered, and I got so angry that I left the car.  He walked out of the car also in the street and called 911 on me.  I was taken to a locked ward at NCMC!!!!

I explained to the therapist what he did and how I try to talk with him to explain.  The doctor said that if it hasn't worked in 41 years, GIVE UP!!!!  When he gets like this, LEAVE THE ROOM OR THE HOUSE!!!!

Would you believe that my daughter thinks that I should see a doctor and be placed on medication for anger?  I agreed to shut her up, but she is history, as he is too!

I am grateful to the Almighty for my strength to be able to withstand this.  He is dying from this because I say what I have to and no more.

He will not be the cause of my death!!!!!

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