As is my custom, I walk every morning. Today I began to evaluate the summer because I realized that next Monday, it's Labor Day and then back to work.
I felt that I had a really good summer. While it is true, I lived it mostly by myself, I am proud to say that I enjoyed many things and accomplished a lot.
I really enjoyed the spiritualness of the morning prayer service. It was hard to be there by 6:30, but I really appreciated it when I was told that I was number 10 and that they had a minyon. I met new people and I got to chat with some friends.
I enjoyed walking. It was meditative and thought-provoking. It helped me to plan my day and I loved the music on the I-POD.
I am proud to say that I was involved with 2 races. I walked THE HEART AND SOLE RACE and went to the WORKMAN'S CHALLENGE at JONES BEACH.
I took a class. This allowed me to complete a block of 12 for a salary raise. It's my last block of 12 unless I see courses that I really like. The hotel was nice and I did take it with friends.
I attended THE GREAT BOOKS LONG ISLAND DISCUSSION and drove myself there and back. I really enjoyed the selections and the people.
I enjoyed going to the afternoon book discussions at the Plainview Library. It was fun having lunch with my friends.
I have now given the Plainview library my e-mail address so they can notify me about upcoming events.
Speaking of library events, I went to the discussion of THE GREAT GATSBY.
I am now listening to THE GREAT GATSBY as an audio book.
This summer, I experimented with audio books and found them enjoyable. I listened to 3 of them. One was THE GREAT GATSBY. There was also, THE DESCENDENTS, and THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE for book discussions.
I enjoyed going to the Syosset library's book discussions. They are held in the evening and I treat myself to dinner out.
I truly love yoga and meditation. I went to a RESTORATIVE WORKSHOP this summer. I took a class in YOGA AND MEDITATION as well as my regular classes.
This encouraged me to purchase a KINDLE and I've read 2 books on the Kindle.
I have enjoyed going out with friends for dinner.
I have even gone shopping with friends at the mall.
I promised myself that I would clean my closets and I did. I even did the drawers.
I put my bank accounts on line at my bank.
I had all my charity money counted and then donated to my synagogue.
I attended a wonderful lecture about BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR.
My implants are done.
I got a flu shot.
It's been a fine summer. The horrible thing that happened to me on July 31st changed my life for the better and will keep me alive longer. The little voice is most important. I now know that he can't be trusted and that he is deceptive. I've learned to leave him alone. Since they defended him and weren't there for me, I uninvited them for the holidays and I don't care anymore. I understand thanks to my friends talking to me that he is manipulating his disabilities and I'm no longer afraid. I have grown from this experience.
Strange to say, I am grateful to the Almighty for this.
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