Thursday, October 4, 2012


Last night I went to a retirement party of a friend that I work with.  Her entire family was there.  I saw the inter-relationship of all the family members.  I remember the stories that I had heard through the years.  I was very happy for her.  She had made the right decision to retire.

I thought about myself.  I have embraced the new life that I have.  I'm not looking back and regretting anything.  Each of us is given a destiny by the Almighty.  We can' fight fate.  We have to embrace what we have.

My intention is yo do just that.  I believe that for the most part, for most of the day, I succeed.  Every now and then, I might backslide, but then, I pull myself back and say, "why re-visit that?'

I am grateful to the Almighty to be given the opportunity to create a new life for myself.

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