Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I didn't realized how my life had changed for the better until I walked into my Restorative Yoga class last night and were greeted by people who asked me where I had been.  I realized that to them this was part of my life.

I realized that I was so busy seeing the negative that I didn't realize how different I was and how rich my life was.  I participated fully in yoga.  Then I went home, said hello to him and proceeded to read my new book.  I've become quiet around him, sharing only what is necessary. I went to watch a television show that I like, never bothering to mention it to him.

Our instructor said something very important in yoga.  She said that we clutter our minds with thoughts that we repeat daily.  I vowed to catch myself when I do that.  That should be a challenge, but I'm up to it.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the new me and more than that, I'm grateful to have recognized this.

Thank you Almighty!!!!!!

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