Friday, July 6, 2018


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new routines that I am creating in my life.

It has not been easy.

It has been slow.

However slowly I am reading again.  I am walking again.  I am practicing yoga.  I am getting my nails and hair done too.  I have gone out to dinner with friends.  I am sitting with a little group at the pool.  I hang out with my brother.  I hav attended workshops at the library. I just went to a Current Events event at the library.  I am part of the evening minyan on some nights.  I attend services on the Sabbath.

I have volunteered at Plainview Cares to visit a homebound adult.  I have stuffed envelopes. I am on the list for a bereavement group.

I am on the board of my Sisterhood and will attend my first meeting on July 17th.  I'm going to be involved in the art tours.

I visit my girls, my grandson and son in law and boyfriend by using Plainview cab.

I am in therapy and learning a lot.

I take myself out for dinner too.

It's a new normal BUT it's a quiet and peaceful and stable life.

Did I have a different dream?

Of course!!!

However this is my new reality and it will keep me safe.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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