Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I attended a yoga class yesterday and the instructor spoke about forgiving yourself.

That so resonated with me that I thanked her after class.

I was NOT responsible for how Kay treated me.  I couldn't change it and I couldn't make it better. I did divide myself in half so that I was a person inside that house and a different person outside of it.

I was not responsible for the horrible role model that she was which allowed me to find a creature like him.   He was a creature and so was she.

I am proud of myself because I survived them.  I am proud because I have many accomplishments.  I am grateful to the Almighty for always being there for me and giving me a wonderful life in spite of them.

It is time that I forgave myself for being responsible for what they did to me.  In one instance I was a child and she was a horrific role model which allowed me to meet another creature.


The rest of the day was lovely......lunch with friends.......a book discussion and dinner with friends and viewing of a Mahjong tournament.

Today I will meditate and practice yoga.   I'm taking my dear friend Doris out for a delayed birthday dinner.  She is coming to my home.  You can't get any better than that!!!

Thank you Almighty for teaching me to forgive myself.

I am grateful.

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