Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to see the illusions in my life and has helped me retire and move forward.

I NEVER could have retired if I wasn't realistic.  I would have been sad and depressed.  I would have worked very hard to CHANGE and would have FAILED EVERY TIME.

I no longer live with illusions.  I see the world as it really is.  I try to make myself the happiest that I can be.  If I look back, it is only to remind myself to live in the now.....in the present and I am happy.

I have made a new wonderful life for myself.  For example, I no longer try to create the illusion of a marriage, of children.  I know what this is and have moved forward and away from it.  I have filled my life with yoga, meditation, walking, reading and religion and I am happy.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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