Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful retired life that He has given me.

I have finally learned to be quiet.   That has so enhanced the quality of the life that I'm living with him because we are living in two separate worlds, inhabiting two separate planets and it's wonderful.

I don't respond to any of his nasty remarks or his baiting remarks knowing full well that this will start a confrontation.

I have time to plan wonderful activities for myself and it's like being on vacation.

Yesterday, I went to yoga, I walked, I went to an afternoon book discussion, I had an Apple lesson, I went to see the video of PJC's Fiddler on the Roof, I hung out with friends.   I did all of this and said nothing to him about any of it.

I heard the song TO LIFE last night................"if good fortune never comes, here's to whatever comes....................."  I was not fortunate in having a decent marriage.  But the Almighty gave me health, a wonderful career and a great personality.  He taught me how to overcome obstacles.  My children, although not decent, are healthy and don't live with me.

I have been blessed.

I am grateful to the Almighty.

Thank you.

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