Sunday, October 4, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the joy that He has given me in my new retired life.

The "Triad" still acts the same way.  Yesterday the older one tried to upset me by claiming that her DNA results showed that I was the mother of another child.  Did she has a half-sister? Was my brother married before?  Did she have another cousin?  Today I discovered that she did not go hiking on Shabbos with her Muslim friends and so had nothing to do but bother me!  Did I react?  Absolutely not!!!!!

I continued to walk, read and enjoy the day!!!!

Today I did more of the same.  I went to my Sunday yoga class and then walked in the mall for 2 hours.  That was not a total loss as I needed another Michael Kors bag which I purchased.

I came home to read and relax.

Tonight is the last of the festivals, Simhat Torah.  Tomorrow and Tuesday I will be at services.

I enjoy each of these holidays.  I did not take days while I worked and I'm loving it now.

Thank you Almighty for the joy in my life.

I am grateful. 

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