Friday, October 16, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has created the new me.

I have been working this past week on really applying the principles of yoga to my life.  It is really working.  I am trying very hard to live in the present moment and appreciate it.  A a result I seem to be calmer, quieter and happier.

I did so many nice things yesterday.  I did them quietly and appreciated them all.  Yoga, walking, errands, reading, mani/pedi, finding and ordering shoes, synagogue for my father's yizkor, Candidates Night at PJC..................

I let go of that which didn't serve me too. There were conversations with him that I didn't want to have.  There were e-mails from them that I didn't want to read.

Today I will walk, practice yoga, and complete errands.

Tonight is the Sabbath, a time of peace.

I am grateful to the Almighty for that.

Thank you.

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