Monday, August 14, 2017


I am grateful to the Almighty for allowing me to become the new me.  I have learned so much from the Almighty.  May He continue to walk by my side all the days of my life.

Yesterday we went to do Cemetery Sunday.  Dealing with him in a car is not a pleasant experience.  But I was able to use what I learned in yoga to get through it.  No matter what he said, good or bad, insult or not, I listened and paused........asking myself, is it true, is it kind, does it need to be said?  Knowing he was looking for a fight, I said nothing.

I was proud of the new me.

Today I will walk and practice yoga.  Chores need to be done too.

Tonight is the Summer Reading Wrap Party at the library.

Thank you Almighty for the new me.

I am grateful.

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