Saturday, January 4, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty because yesterday I practiced yoga in Leslie's class and she spoke of the word VISION as the word for 2020.

She incorporated the idea that we must get to know ourselves and that is definitely what I have been trying to do and succeeding.......

I also walked at The Home Depot while waiting for Madalyn to arrive.

More later........

Today is the Sabbath.  I will not be going to services.

I'm waiting for Madalyn to arrive.  I've spoken with everyone......all my friends, Sari, Dana, Hilary, Remi, Seth..... It is so different from the horrific life that I was forced to live but the joy is that IT'S OVER and the creature isn't here.

Hopefully all is well and Madalyn arrives soon.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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