Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 I am grateful to the Almighty because He encouraged me to practice yoga and it was there that I learned to live in the moment.

I try not to let the past overwhelm me and I bring myself back to the present.  The past will generally sadden me.  I also try not to let the future overwhelm me because that can bring me anxiety.

I try to live in the present because that is where the power is.

Today I will again practice yoga in Leslie's class....it's an exercise class.

I have begun to plan for my Pre-Thanksgiving Day Dinner......today I will firm up the food I ordered, go to Happy Farms, buy wine and underpants!

Yesterday was a wonderful night of dinner at Pasteria with the MahJong gals.......and then MahJong!!!

I am grateful because I'm in the moment.

Thank you Almighty for this gift.

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