Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I'm learning how to appreciate the moment that I live in.

The moment gives you power.  There is power in the present.  As I look at the beauty of Fall foliage....I appreciate each moment.

I have Charles too to thank for my new ability to live in the present moment as that is where he is.

Today I will practice yoga and walk.  Hopefully Freddy will be able to come over and do some more work.

I'm making progress for Saturday's party.  Yesterday I finalized the dinner plans with Pasteria.  I checked out Happy Farms and will pick the food up on Friday. I bought wine, underpants for Remi and Hanukkah presents which I had wrapped.  I even did sone cleaning.  I'm breaking it down now into parts......a lot easier for me.

I spoke to my brother Stephen....then....Margie.....then Dana!

Jane is hanging out with me today....should be fun.

Thank you Almighty because I live in the moment or at least try to.

I am grateful.

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