Monday, May 16, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life.

I practiced yoga in Marissa's class yesterday.

I also went to CVS to purchase PATADAY and ALAWAY for our trip to Montauk.

I visited Charles in the afternoon.  We sat outside.  He looked a bit exhausted but has more energy than I would have thought.  He still tested Positive for Covid.  We managed to take a walk holding hands around the neighborhood.  St. James is a very countrified place.

I came home to chat with Karen......have dinner and watch The Time Traveler's Wife which I thought was quite good.

Today I will practice yoga in Leslie's class.

I hope to walk too as well as begin packing.

Thank you Almighty for the joy in my life.

Thank you for protecting Charles.

I am grateful.

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