Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Grateful For Yoga Lessons-THE TENTH DOOR

I am so grateful that Leslie gave me the title of the book she is reading because I continue to learn so much from it and for this, I am grateful!!

*I want to be led from the darkness into the light. I believe that this is happening because I am so happy inside myself. I also find that I am taking deeper and longer breathes.

*One must anchor oneself to the moment. I am finding that even when he wants to engage me in an issue, I am safe if I stay anchored in the present.

*One should be fully present in order to grow. I am finding that I stay in the moment longer. For example, every morning, I look at the sky, thanking the Almighty for its beauty.

*Prana is my vital life force. Ones mental and physical body must balance. That is what I'm striving to accomplish.

*The mind and body are one.

*Breathe is life. When you learn to breathe more fully, you expand your mind and your perception of life.

* You must stay grounded in the moment.

*Breathing helps one clear the mind. I'm finding that at night it helps with anxiety and helps me get back to sleep.

I am grateful aso that this is the most beautiful January yet. I'm able to be out of the house enjoying myself with myself. I am so grateful!!!!

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