Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Important Quotes- The Tenth Door

I'm reading THE TENTH DOOR by Michele Herbert and there are important quotes here that I MUST record for my own life.

First, "The purpose of life is to grow into the fullness and wholeness of all that we can be."

Second, "In meditation, we close the two physical eyes and look inside with the eye of the mind."

Third, " Be the best that you can be within yourself."

Fourth, "The person operating from a state of balance and wholeness has a completely different life experience from the person coming out of weakness and imbalance."

Fifth, " Be the observer of the mind. Watch what you are doing within yourself mentally and emotionally."

Sixth, "Choose wisely between the negative and positive poles of the mind. Be of good counsel."

Seventh, "Realize the divine light of your own soul within you. Your own inner light will reveal your souls purpose."


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