Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tough Day!!!

This was a hard day, not because I had periodontal surgery which was a huge success because the implant was a success, but because last night you could see how jealous Martin was. I went to my yoga private lesson, then out to dinner with Rhonnie before the book club. I made the mistake of saying that friends were going out on Monday, January 23 and Martin made the comment in a nasty voice, "Don't your friends have husbands?" He doesn't miss a beat and I was unprepared for the remark. Ironically, today is January 19th. I almost flipped because the 19th has such significance in this relationship. It was on May 19th 2010 that this entire relationship fell apart as I wasn't part of the decision as to which hospital he should go to for Congestive Heart Failure and I was left all alone to create a life and survive. I will never forget that day. And here is another 19th.

Today I took off because of the dental surgery and I saw what living with him would be like if and when I retired. I was grateful to see both his jealousy and anger at me just because I am a success. A home should be a comfortable place to live in and will it be with him in it????

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