Friday, November 30, 2012


I am so grateful to the Almighty for my life.  I am tired today and I'm grateful to the Almighty for Shabbos, a time of quiet and contemplation.

I did many amazing things yesterday.   I got my manicure and then I did my Christmas shopping for school.  My friend cancelled on me because she was ill and I asked him to go out.  Since I like to talk, current events, which my Father did so well was the evenings entertainment.

I came home and read my book for next week's book discussion.

I know how to be quiet and enjoy life, thanks to the Almighty.

Good Shabbos!

I am grateful!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


I used to answer everything that he said.   I don't anymore.   I don't answer anything.  It makes my life a great deal quieter as I go about the business of my life.   I am grateful to the Almighty for this, because waiting helps me to overcome obstacles.

I had a wonderful evening.  I had a great yoga private lesson, doing all sorts of twists.  I came home, did chores, ate dinner with him and then went to my synagogue for a wonderful Sisterhood fundraiser.   I came home to read because I need to finish my book for next Wednesday's book discussion.

This morning, he began to try and be annoying.  He started with the garage door and worked his way into the blood test appointment.   I was prepared.  I waited.  I said nothing.

I went to work happily and quietly.  In the past, I would have answered him and we would have been off and running.  I don't do that anymore.   

I am grateful to the Almighty for being able to overcome obstacles.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I'm not in the habit of lying.  Nor am I in the habit of saying that I am tired.  But things happened last night that taught me how to lie.  I am grateful to the Almighty for this new skill.

I was annoyed at things that he said last night.  I did what I had to do.  I was quiet.  I walked out of rooms.  However, that was not going to be enough.  He was going to try and attack me. I came up with, "I'm tired!"  To know me is to know that never happens.  However, with that I was able to read my book and watch my television program.

This morning, I received a text asking what I wanted to do for my birthday.  This usually involves me taking them out and if you think back to Mothers Day and last years birthday, this is not a good idea.  I didn't respond.

Thank you Almighty for the gift of quiet and the gift of lying.

I am grateful!!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I wake up daily without feeling any anxiety at all.  I have a new life that I've created and each day brings me joy and energy.  I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Each day, I think about the things that I will enjoy that day and it makes me smile.

Yesterday I attended my class at the Adult Jewish Institute.   I sat with friends and enjoyed the class.  For me the class was a change as it was a class in the history of Jewish humor.  It was very light and enjoyable.

Tonight, I have Restorative Yoga that I'm looking forward to.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this new life.

Monday, November 26, 2012


I am grateful to the Almighty because  I know when it's impotant to give my opinion and when it is not.  Things that disturb me, that I can't change, I don't have to discuss.

I must admit that at times it is difficult because this is not who I am.  However, if I do speak up with people that I don't trust, I can get myself into lots of trouble.

I choose to be quiet and I've learned how.   Life is a process and this is a new skill to process.  I look at it as a challenge and I'm getting much better at it.

Thank you Almighty for making me aware of quiet so that I can continue to have joy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I realized today that I have experienced "joy" during my Thanksgiving vacation.   It was "joy" of my own making.

It was yoga classes.  It was going to synagogue services.  It was walking.  It was reading.  It was breathing.  It was television and movies.  It was music.   It was the quiet when I didn't want to answer questions or make remarks that would lead me down the wrong path.

It was the realization that if he does things to get in trouble, it's his problem and not mine.

I realized that I have created a wonderful life for myself. 

Then I realized that I could retire because I had a life that I loved.

That led me to realize that I no longer have to think about "survival strategies" as I did this past year to keep myself safe.

My new joys and my thankfulness to the Almighty will keep me safe.

That is a wonderful realization.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


This morning in services, I felt completely happy with my new life.    I wasn't angry about loosing the old life.   I wasn't coming up with strategies for the day.    I am calm, cool and collected.  I live in the moment and enjoyed the moment.

I realized that I had gotten rid of the things and the people that didn't serve me.  Some of those people must remain in my life, but they aren't part of my life.  I was embracing my life with grace, gratitude and love.  I felt joy.  I felt energy.  I'm alive in the moment and know that I will have a good day.

I realized that the mourning for my old life and mistaken dreams was over.  I had moved on and I was making new dreams.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Thank you Almighty for teaching me, although, we both can admit that it took a really long time, to be grateful for myself.

With this new idea in mind, I gave myself a really good day.   I walked for 2 hours this morning. Then I took a TWIST CLASS at my yoga  studio.   What fun that was!!

I rewarded myself for enjoying the Thanksgiving dinner with THE TRIAD plus One, by purchasing new sun glasses.

I am grateful that I am able to really enjoy life.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I have always done a form of entertaining on Thanksgiving to teach the girls the appropriate way to open your home to others.

This year I decided to move forward quietly with my own life because with this group teaching and learning obviously don't work.   

I truly feel like I am on vacation!   I walked this morning on a beautiful day for two hours.  I went to a GRATITUDE YOGA class at my studio and I did most of the poses with some adaptions in the others.

I learned another mantra that I promise to remember.  IN ORDER TO HAVE HAPPINESS FOR ONES SELF, ONE MUST HAVE GRACE, GRATITUDE AND LOVE.   I am determined to be happy.  

What I have noticed is that without them in my life, I am truly happy.

I am grateful for the insights that I have learned from the Almighty.  I am grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sometimes, things are said to me that I am just not ready to hear.   It happened to me on July 31st when the doctor was shocked that for "38" years I had tried to explain things to make my marriage better.   It only took ONE SENTENCE for that to change.  That happened when the doctor said, "How long have you been doing this?"  When I answered, he said, "DID'NT YOU KNOW that it didn't work?"   I FINALLY HEARD.  When he told me to leave the room, house, block etc, I heard him.  I've been quiet ever since and my only conversation is a nonsense one.

It happened last night at yoga, at my Restorative Yoga class.  The instructor said, "GET RID OF THE THINGS THAT DON'T SERVE YOU", and I HEARD HER.   That's why thre is nonsense talk and texting.

Tomorrow I have to see them......THE TRIAD.   I have been playing out scenarios in my head and I know what I will do.  Quiet and listening will be the name of the game.  I will enjoy the moment and will not be boxed in to making plans.

It took me a long time to hear.   

Thank you Almighty for keeping me safe.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Thanksgiving is Thursday.  It is a time that we think back as to what we are grateful for.  I've been keeping this gratitude journal for almost a year and I am grateful to the Almighty for so many things. I write about a few of them daily.

I am grateful to the Almighty for sending yoga my way.  Last night during my private lesson, Leslie spoke of the gift of breathing.  I am grateful to the Almighty for this as well as the blessing of good health which I hope continues.  I am grateful that I have learned to live in the present.  I adore yoga.  Tonight, I will attend my Restorative class.  On Thursday, there is a Gratitude class that I will attend and Leslie invited me to her Friday Level 1 class because she will focus on twists which will help one detox after Thanksgiving.

I was grateful for my Adult Institute class last night.  What fun it was to connect with my friends and to have a class filled with humor.  More than that is the feeling that I get from fitting in which those people who lived in my home NEVER let me experience.

I am ordering a special piece of jewelry for myself today for my special birthday.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the everyday things in my life!!

Monday, November 19, 2012


I am grateful to you Almighty because I have developed a really cute and quiet little voice which although might be angry and annoyed never lets enemies know what you are thinking.

I am amazed that no one has figured this voice out yet, but either they are really stupid or they don't care about the issue either.

Anyway, it is a cute and phony voice.  I should have thought of it sooner.

Better late than never!!!

Thank you Almighty!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I walked this morning on a crisp and cold day in November.  I am grateful to the Almighty for so  many things this weekend:

*  I am all caught up watching Boardwalk.  That was a surprise to me on Friday.

*  I went to services as usual and spoke to all sorts of friends.

*  I walked on 2 glorious days.

*  I went to a wonderful party for my girlfriend.  A party, I might add, thrown by her children.

*  I am going to my yoga class.....

Thank you Almighty for this new life!!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


The hurricane and its damage are over.  I was so glad to be back at services today.   It was another part of my life that has been restored!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for this!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012


It's November 16th and it's getting towards the end of the year.  I always take stock of my accomplishments for the year as I evaluate the positives and negatives of the year.

The biggest negative was what happened to me on July 31st.  However, that also became my greatest positive as it allowed me to move forward with my life and to eliminate those individuals that would be like a cancer in my life. 

The hurricane and its aftermath, although destructive and devastating, allowed me to focus on what a wonderful life I have in that I don't include him in most of my activities or thoughts.  During the hurricane, when we had no power, I was allowed to focus on the life that I created for myself and how much I missed it.  Nowhere did I miss anything that we did together and I had to conclude that I was successful in putting together a life for me.  It's not a lonely life, because everything that I do, I enjoy.

None of this would have been possible without July 31st.  In a sense then, this was the turning point of my life.

Even today, facing a weekend, where on Sunday we will drive out to Riverhead to pick up wine from my wine club, I know that in a heartbeat, he can destroy the joy of this.  I am prepared with strategies in case this happens.  I will be quiet when, as I'm sure it will, it happens.

I have been successful in turning my life around.  My mourning period is over. The WHAT IF'S are gone.  I am moving forward, a single adult with a quality life that I am prod to say, I enjoy!!

I thank the Almighty for giving me this success!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Last week was Super Storm Sandy and my life got taken away from me.  As I tried to create activities to keep myself warm, I started to think about what I was missing in the activities that I do.

I realized that none of the these pleasures included him.  I realized that I had created a new life for myself and on that I was happy with.   I decided to end mourning right then and there and appreciate what I have.

Super Storm Sandy is a storm that I will always remember because it taught me to appreciate my new life.

Thank you, Almighty for making this possible!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I am grateful to the Almighty for the life that he has given ME.   The choices that were poor were because of the generation I was born into.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Thank you Almighty for this wonderful, normal and wacky day of work.

I am grateful!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Thank you Almighty for bringing my normal routines back to me.  It was like a summer day today.   I walked!!!!  I went to yoga!!!!   I did errands!!!!!

I am happy!!

Thank you, Almighty for my life.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Thank you, Almighty for a wonderful day.   I really appreciate the life that you have given me.  I have learned so much.

I had a good day today.  I went back to Yoga and even got gas!!!!!   I have learned what is important and what isn't.  I have learned who is important and who isn't.

Thank you, Almighty!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I definitely remember and learned from what happened to me on July 31.  Today, the same girlfriend called to say that someone was making appointments for her.  Naturally he was a suspect.

I told him this.  He was furious at me and tried to confront me.  To my credit, I never raised my voice.  I knew exactly what he would say and didn't want to ruin my day.

I was successful.

Tank you Almighty for a lesson learned.

Friday, November 9, 2012


I am grateful to the Almighty for my survival.   I have learned to deal with him. I know what to say and what not to.

As a result of Hurricane Sandy and the nor'easter, I have learned that I can retire and be happy.

I am.

I am very grateful.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I finally did what I have been thinking about all along.  I took my first day off towards retirement.  There is no heat in the house, or lights and I went with Martin to the Marriot and took the day off from work.  A nor'easter is coming too!!!!!

If I'm retiring in June, that's what I needed to do.

I am grateful that I was brave enough to do this!!

Thank you Almighty!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Everyday during this crisis, I set up a list of things to accomplish to make it through the day.  I am grateful to the Almighty for watching over me today as I got everything done!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012


I am grateful because even with this hurricane crisis, I have created a new daily schedule.

Thank you, Almighty for the strength you have given me.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Crazy hurricanes.........5 days off from work and now 2 more.  Sleeping late, reading.......relaxing.

I am grateful!!! (Even though there is no power.)

Friday, November 2, 2012