Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sometimes, things are said to me that I am just not ready to hear.   It happened to me on July 31st when the doctor was shocked that for "38" years I had tried to explain things to make my marriage better.   It only took ONE SENTENCE for that to change.  That happened when the doctor said, "How long have you been doing this?"  When I answered, he said, "DID'NT YOU KNOW that it didn't work?"   I FINALLY HEARD.  When he told me to leave the room, house, block etc, I heard him.  I've been quiet ever since and my only conversation is a nonsense one.

It happened last night at yoga, at my Restorative Yoga class.  The instructor said, "GET RID OF THE THINGS THAT DON'T SERVE YOU", and I HEARD HER.   That's why thre is nonsense talk and texting.

Tomorrow I have to see them......THE TRIAD.   I have been playing out scenarios in my head and I know what I will do.  Quiet and listening will be the name of the game.  I will enjoy the moment and will not be boxed in to making plans.

It took me a long time to hear.   

Thank you Almighty for keeping me safe.

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