Thursday, November 29, 2012


I used to answer everything that he said.   I don't anymore.   I don't answer anything.  It makes my life a great deal quieter as I go about the business of my life.   I am grateful to the Almighty for this, because waiting helps me to overcome obstacles.

I had a wonderful evening.  I had a great yoga private lesson, doing all sorts of twists.  I came home, did chores, ate dinner with him and then went to my synagogue for a wonderful Sisterhood fundraiser.   I came home to read because I need to finish my book for next Wednesday's book discussion.

This morning, he began to try and be annoying.  He started with the garage door and worked his way into the blood test appointment.   I was prepared.  I waited.  I said nothing.

I went to work happily and quietly.  In the past, I would have answered him and we would have been off and running.  I don't do that anymore.   

I am grateful to the Almighty for being able to overcome obstacles.

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