Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Thanksgiving is Thursday.  It is a time that we think back as to what we are grateful for.  I've been keeping this gratitude journal for almost a year and I am grateful to the Almighty for so many things. I write about a few of them daily.

I am grateful to the Almighty for sending yoga my way.  Last night during my private lesson, Leslie spoke of the gift of breathing.  I am grateful to the Almighty for this as well as the blessing of good health which I hope continues.  I am grateful that I have learned to live in the present.  I adore yoga.  Tonight, I will attend my Restorative class.  On Thursday, there is a Gratitude class that I will attend and Leslie invited me to her Friday Level 1 class because she will focus on twists which will help one detox after Thanksgiving.

I was grateful for my Adult Institute class last night.  What fun it was to connect with my friends and to have a class filled with humor.  More than that is the feeling that I get from fitting in which those people who lived in my home NEVER let me experience.

I am ordering a special piece of jewelry for myself today for my special birthday.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the everyday things in my life!!

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