Friday, November 16, 2012


It's November 16th and it's getting towards the end of the year.  I always take stock of my accomplishments for the year as I evaluate the positives and negatives of the year.

The biggest negative was what happened to me on July 31st.  However, that also became my greatest positive as it allowed me to move forward with my life and to eliminate those individuals that would be like a cancer in my life. 

The hurricane and its aftermath, although destructive and devastating, allowed me to focus on what a wonderful life I have in that I don't include him in most of my activities or thoughts.  During the hurricane, when we had no power, I was allowed to focus on the life that I created for myself and how much I missed it.  Nowhere did I miss anything that we did together and I had to conclude that I was successful in putting together a life for me.  It's not a lonely life, because everything that I do, I enjoy.

None of this would have been possible without July 31st.  In a sense then, this was the turning point of my life.

Even today, facing a weekend, where on Sunday we will drive out to Riverhead to pick up wine from my wine club, I know that in a heartbeat, he can destroy the joy of this.  I am prepared with strategies in case this happens.  I will be quiet when, as I'm sure it will, it happens.

I have been successful in turning my life around.  My mourning period is over. The WHAT IF'S are gone.  I am moving forward, a single adult with a quality life that I am prod to say, I enjoy!!

I thank the Almighty for giving me this success!!!!

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